Not content with having my own list of challenges - my friend Jemima and I have come up with our own list of 100 things to do before Christmas! In all fairness, some of the items cross over onto both lists, and it's always good to have someone to do these things with! And with the next 3 months looking pretty empty we're going to need something to fill our time ;-)
Me and Jemima on our last adventure: to London!
The whole list of 100 things can be found here on Jemima's blog.
After rooting through the loft I've found my old video camera...which is broken. Gutted. BUT (student loan student schmoan...) I have invested in a brand NEW one (with Full HD, oh yes) so we can document our adventures together. I'm REALLY looking forward to the last minute (i.e. 2 days beforehand, let's drop everything and go) holiday and the cycling to France! Oh, and the llama trekking and filling a terramundi to spend at Selfridges in the sales - we're going to act snooty and as if we think nothing of spending £150 on a scarf; we're very well to do ladies who do this sort of thing all the time, of course.
News on my own list is fairly slow...although I have just got "The Social Network" from LoveFilm for my list of 50 films to see. I'll update soon.
Squeeeee, I'm so excited!!!! :D :D bring it on!! :D xxxxxxx