Saturday, 9 March 2019

One Year to Go

It seems like a lifetime ago when Jemima and I first sat down to make our list of "100 things to achieve before 30". Obviously, at the time we were very optimistic and, in its first iteration, the list was to be completed before we graduated university. Well, it's 8 years later and I've still got almost 40 items left to do. Argh!! How did I let life get in the way so much? Surely 100 is not that many things to get done in 8 years? But apparently, it is. And in fairness, a lot has happened in 8 years. I've moved away from Britain, had SO many different jobs, traveled far and wide and have generally been trying to get myself to the level of a steady, fully-functioning adult (with varying degrees of success). 

I've been steadily ticking things off - most notably recently I took a martial arts class in Cayman - the CASK (Cayman Associated School of Karate) school offered a trial week and I thought - "Why not?"

It wasn't exactly what I was expecting. The class was 90 minutes long and involved an incredible amount of stretching and core exercises. I was taught my first stance and also 4 different types of block, and 2 punches. There was a lot of ritual and the entire environment was clearly one of respect, calm and learning. I really appreciated my chance to have a go at learning the basics, but don't see myself taking it up as a regular hobby.

Also, as it was my 29th Birthday recently (that's right - less than a year now to go on the list!) I celebrated with friends on the beach by holding a silly sports day - think egg n spoon races, tug of war, three-legged races and all of the old favourites. It was so much fun and a great way to spend my birthday! We also got to hang out on the beautiful beach and watch the sunset after all of our games.

Oh - and I carved my name into a tree behind my house. #graffitiartist

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